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HA2904 Corgi   A-1J Skyraider - 56th SOW, 602nd FS, USAF Vietnam (1,200) £
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  Douglas A-1J Skyraider "No.014" of the 56th Special Operations Wing, 602nd Fighter Sqn during the Vietnam War. Production of 1,200 pieces.

Aircraft 52-142014 has the 602nd Special Operations Squadron (SOS) Commander’s four stripes around the fuselage, if it had 5 stripes it would be the Wing Commander’s. The 56th Special Operations Wing (SOW) was formed in March 1967 with its mission to assist U.S. unconventional forces and U.S. friendly foreign government military forces throughout Indochina. The 602nd Special Operations Squadron (SOS) was assigned to the 56th SOW to provide armed escort for SAR operations or armed reconnaissance. They also provided escort for helicopters inserting or extracting Special Operations personnel from Laos and North Vietnam. For three years the 602nd used TT as their tail letters and the call sign Firefly or Sandy for helicopter SAR escort.
The A-1 Skyraider originated as a carrier-based torpedo and dive bomber. Deliveries as the AD-1 to the Navy began in November 1946 and in 1962 was renamed A-1. It was the first single-seat torpedo/dive bomber to serve with the Navy. The primary mission of the A-1 was close air support for ground troops because of its heavy ordnance load and accuracy. The aircraft had great success in Korea and Vietnam. There were 3,180 Skyraiders built in seven major models and 28 different versions. There were 266 A-1s lost in Vietnam.
Some nicknames - Able Dog, Spad, Sandy, Hobo, Firefly, Zorro and "Crazy Water Buffalo," a VNAF nickname.

Very low production run of around 1,000 models, of which only a few were imported to the UK.
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